
Requests for tours of our company, etc.

Requests for tours of our company, etc.
Requests for tours of our company, etc.

We are #Kinoene Corporation located in #Kuki-city, #Saitama.

We are #KINOENE Corporation and we run #Ryotei Kinone #restaurant and #Hotel Kuki #accommodation business.

Thank you very much for the many applications and participation in our company tours and other events during this summer holiday.

In this context, we would like to issue a notice to those who have to change their plans at short notice.

Changes of plans are inevitable, but please do not cancel without informing us silently. As you have registered, please make changes at your own risk.

Such behaviour is very disruptive to the participants. Please refrain from doing so.


High school student job vacancies: https://www.kinoene-jp.com/採用/新卒-既卒-留学生-中途求人の案内/高校生求人の案内/


University, junior college, vocational and international student job information: https://www.kinoene-jp.com/採用/新卒-既卒-留学生-中途求人の案内/大学院-大学生-短大生-専門生-留学生求人の案内/


Job hunting information including company tours: https://www.kinoene-jp.com/採用/


For more information, please contact Kinone Inc. at 0480-22-3501.